Drugs as the white elephant
Three years after
Micheal Jackson’s death, what have we learned?
ATLANTA – This week marks the third anniversary of the death
of the King of Pop, Michael Jackson.

While Jackson’s personal physician now serves
prison time for involuntary manslaughter for his role in putting the singer to
sleep and then death, much of the music and entertainment industry remains
asleep, or sedated, to its incessant and problematic drug problem. For many,
many years now , the early- grave conveyor belt streams through some of the
best and brightest artists.
It’s time to wake up.

Watch more: Celebrities that have died from drug abuse
But that’s those who’ve died. Good
luck assembling the list of the addicts still drinking and drugging their way
through their fame today. I’m sure you know some of the names. (Lindsay,
Britney, Soulja Boy, Charlie Sheen and others who are so often admitted to the hospital for
exhaustion and dehydration?)

Rather than effecting a change to the
continued veneration of clinically dependent individuals, the clarion call
became a familiar but obviously broken record. New title but same tune only
sung about a different drug and a different life gone too soon.
Like Jackson, Houston was a
While certain facets of her story – and death
from a cocaine and prescription drug overdose and subsequent bathtub drowning -
were markedly different from that of Jackson’s, the world had a seemingly
front row seat to her gravely familiar narrative: “music artist bigger than life, grapples with drugs for years and
eventually looses the battle and his or her life; another beautiful talent turned ugly
because of the tempting appeal of crack cocaine, heroine, ecstasy, marijuana,
alcohol, prescription and synthetics drugs.
Unfortunately, if you audited any of the mega-celebrity responses to Houston’s
death, and many of the others, it’s seems that they too are in denial or are
very good liars because they all express and echo a collective “shock.”
Shock?!?!? For real?
Should the inevitable end not reign obvious at
this juncture? Other responses expressed deep regret, sorrow and
empathy for the deceased. The one thing
you never hear is outrage.
Not one artist ever calls for a revolution of
realism, an acceptance about the
underlying evil that should first be acknowledged and then confronted.
It appears the answer to the question of
“where are we as a music community after Whitney Houston’s death?” is the same
as the answer to the question of “where are we as a music community after the
third anniversary of Michael Jackson’s
death? Answer: The same dead-end place!!!
While a general tone of cynicism may appears
to suffuse this commentary, I want to be clear of one undeniable fact.
There is a “silent consciousness” within the
entertainment industry.
But, it is not limited to just drug related
deaths in the music industry.
Someone, somewhere, on the night
of Houston’s death, held another dying person close and begged that friend
to seek help. They refused the help and died with traces of drugs in
their system like Houston and Jackson.
Perhaps another started with the “Man in the Mirror”
and packed a bag to check into rehab.
Either way, as we celebrate Michael Jackson’s
music throughout the week, I hope when the music stops, we will wake up and have
a real confrontation with this huge white elephant of an issue.
James L. Walker, Jr.
is based in Atlanta, Georgia. He is the author of This Business of Urban
Music. A professor and entertainment lawyer, he can be found at www.jameslwalkeresq.com
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